Outreach: VBS mission team – Currently, we are the only church in Sitka still having VBS and hope to have Backyard Bible Clubs. We need a mission team of at least 10 workers to lead and assist in different areas. This will be our church’s first ever if volunteers commit to this. Further, dates of June 5-9 are negotiable until the beginning of the year as our people need to request time off. Further, any other projects the team would like to assist on are open. Personnel and finances needed. Bring BYBC materials. VOLUNTEERS: 10+
July 1-4th week events: Prior to the City Fireworks we would like to have our own event with music and fireworks, light show. etc. Blow Ups. We have a slide that is loved in the community. Car wash on Saturday, Bar-B-Q meal. We are open to mission team’s specialty. VOLUNTEERS: 5+
Back Yard Bible Studies or Sports camp, Block Party, Ladies car day, Car wash. Only one car wash in Sitka and mostly it is closed. Women’s Vehicle Oil change: Assist the many single mothers, single working women with oil change. Personnel and finances needed. Sports camp items needed. VOLUNTEERS: 10+
Backpacks for School: Late July or August but Date open. Back to School Event to help the numerous lower income families, Backpacks with School supplies (lists obtained from schools to make sure we have the correct supplies) and free school clothes yard sale. (Idea I have used before with great success). VOLUNTEERS: 10+
Adult Study outreach and Adults Financial Study, Outreach Training Would love to do the Dave Ramsey if possible or another agreed upon, Basic skills and special help sessions to train individuals to save money ideas of: how to keep a checking account/checkbook/card, purchasing and preparing meals, cutting coupons, clothing ideas, shopping and saving online, and identity security. VOLUNTEERS: 5+Financial Needs: Easter: Mailings: $900.00 to reach 2430 homes, Banners: $300-500 depending on assistance and Easter eggs and candy. $300.00 . VBS promotion: Mailing: $900.00 and Block party supplies. Financial Building need: Fire system replacement. Best estimate is for just pipe is $20,000 – $30,000.00 for all complete. Building teams: Fire System (bursts every year at least once), complete sound booth and replace/repair deck (been working on those two years), flooring in sanctuary, repair, remodel, paint inside and outside and parking lot.