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Adam Bishop was serving on staff at Heritage Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala. as their missions and media minister when he began to sense God calling him and his family to the New York area.

“I started bringing groups here to New York City to work with unreached people groups, specifically in Jackson Heights, Queens and Brooklyn,” Adam explained. “The last four years we’ve been coming here, and it’s through those mission trips that my wife and I found out about the church planting opportunity here in Jackson Heights to reach South Asian people with the Gospel.”

Located in the Jackson Heights area of the Queens Borough, Adam has partnered with Urban Nations Outreach in helping to teach conversational English classes.

“That’s our main mode of reaching people,” he stated. “Our goal is to help them with their English but also become friends with them, build some relationships and then hopefully be able to invite them to our church plant.”

Jackson Heights is known as the hub of South Asian life in Queens. There are people from Bangladesh, Tibet, Nepal and India that you will see daily on the streets. This is where they live, eat, work and worship.

“One of the things that is unique with our church plant is that there are so many unreached people groups in the world,” Adam said. “It’s so hard to go to those countries because most of them are closed or just hard to get to. They’re not friendly to missionaries going over there. What an opportunity we have as those groups are coming here to the United States. God is bringing the nations to us, and we are obligated as a Christian people to reach out to them, to love them, to share our culture with them and, most importantly, to share the Gospel with them.

“The nations are here in our country. What an opportunity we have.”

There are two main ways that you can help Adam, pray and go.

Adam stated: “We’re always looking for missions teams to come up here and partner with us, to work with the people we work with through ESL (English as a Second Language), prayer walking. We do a lot of park outreach events working with the children especially in the summer.

“Please pray for our monthly meetings on Saturdays for our church plant. We are starting some in home Bible studies too. Continue to pray for the harvest and for the workers to come for this great opportunity we have to reach the nations.”

Learn more about Alabama Acts 1:8 Connection Adam Bishop by watching his video and visiting his site –

If you missed our live Periscope Broadcast with Larry Holcomb of Urban Nations Outreach and Adam Bishop talking about Reaching the Nations in New York City, the archive is here:

Originally posted in September 2015. 

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