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New York City Connections

Through Alabama Acts 1:8 Connections, your State Board of Missions has an ongoing emphasis on helping Alabama Baptist churches connect with Alabamians serving on the mission field in our state, nation and around the world. The website was created as a resource to help make this happen.

In the New York City metro area we have identified six North American Mission Board church planters who have ties to Alabama. We want to tell you their stories so you can know how to pray for them and perhaps decide to partner with them.

Next week I will have the opportunity to meet with four of the six planters in a three-day period. I’ll be producing videos that tell about each planter’s ministry and community and how you can partner with them. You’ll also be able to read a blog post about each church planter here at and see pictures on our social media. We’ll even have a daily Periscope broadcast next week with the planters as we get together. (If you’re not familiar with Periscope, it’s an app for Twitter users to allow you to broadcast live from anywhere in the world.)

Tuesday we’ll start with Sterling Edwards at the Metro New York Baptist Association in Manhattan. Sterling has planted Crossroads Church of Long Island in Farmingdale, NY. He also serves as the association’s church planting director. He helps those feeling called to plant churches in New York to discover opportunities and he provides coaching and training for church planters already serving.

George Russ, executive director of the association, will join Sterling at 10 a.m. CST for a live and interactive Periscope broadcast on Twitter where we will talk about church planting in New York and answering the call to serve.

Wednesday we’ll meet with two church planters, Nathan Creitz and Adam Bishop. Nathan planted City Life Church in Ridgewood, NY. Adam is a new church planter in Jackson Heights, NY. We’ll do a live Periscope broadcast a 10 a.m. CST with Nathan and Alabama Baptist State Missionary Chris Mills, who serves as our collegiate missions strategist. We’ll talk about church planting in New York and how college students can play an integral part.

Thursday morning we’ll meet with Larry Holcomb who directs Urban Nations Outreach. There are a lot of great things happening out of this center to reach unreached people groups in New York City. Both Larry and Adam will be live on Periscope at 8:30 a.m. CST talking about this ministry and how you can be involved on your next mission trip.

I personally hope you’ll make plans each day to join us on Periscope and then also use as a resource to help you and your church connect with Alabamians on the mission field!


Brian Harris is a State Missionary in the office of Communications and Technology Services. His primary focus is on web, social media and email marketing.

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