Below you’ll find stories from Alabamians serving on the mission field Internationally.
As you pray daily, please remember these missionaries.

30 Days of Prayer for Japan
Japan is one of the most unreached countries outside of the 10/40 window. It is a very difficult culture to reach. There are several Alabama

Pray for the ministry of Congo4Christ. Learn more about them on their Facebook page –

Rohingya Refugees
Each day, more than 28,000 people are forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. Christ-followers want to get involved – to help

TJ and Dena Odom
Catch up with TJ and Dena Odom, church planting catalysts in Glasgow, Scotland, and learn about their call to missions, their ministry in Glasgow and

K & B
Meet an Alabama couple that are living in South Asia. K and B, along with their children, are still learning a new language and new