Top Ten Mistakes Mission Teams Can Make on Mission

Top Ten Mistakes Mission Teams can make on Mission:

  1. Wearing the same color shirts as they travel.
  2. Making assumption we don’t need security training.
  3. Forgetting to purchase travel insurance ( medical etc.)
  4. Tagging luggage with the same identification (church logo etc.)
  5. Traveling with few or no travel itinerary of hotels and contacts.
  6. Taking phones, I-PADS, LAP TOPS, without encryption.
  7. Advertising upcoming mission travel on social media.
  8. Not Securing the same STS (Simple Truthful Statement) before traveling.
  9. Talking loudly in and outside of the airport.
  10. Not Respecting language and customs where you visit.

Associations and Churches sending mission teams face greater RISK today than ever before in the modern missionary movement. Is your Association or Church taking the proper and necessary pre-mission trip orientation, travel security training?

The Alabama Baptist SBOM provides the opportunity for every Alabama Baptist association and church sending mission teams to participate in the program of Crowning Shield through Fort Sherman Academy, Pinehurst, ID. Fort Sherman does require participants to be trained in the basic travel security, Level-A/ Sentinel, authorized by Fort Sherman Academy. This training can be arranged by your church and association through the Global Missions Office of the SBOM.

What does the Travelers’ Shield Program provide for your volunteers and sending churches and associations:

  1. Online registration for the “Bob Card”, through Fort Sherman Academy.
  2. Current security information alerts, travel warnings from FSA through the Global Missions Office about the country/countries that are on your travel agenda.
  3. A SBOM team that is prepared to handle any crisis situation and help families with media and negotiations in case of emergency.
  4. Access to “Bob”, a source of information and support in case of government detainment, health, natural disaster, or criminal activity.

Reggie Quimby is a State Missionary and director of the office of Global Missions with the Alabama Baptist SBOM. You can reach him direct at 334-613-2239, toll free at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 239, or via email at


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